My Profile Picture

Research Scientist @ Convergence. Ex-Huawei, NVIDIA.

PhD in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning at the University of Edinburgh and the Autonomous Agents Research Group.

Co-author of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Foundations and Modern Approaches.

Contact Me :: [email protected] exact spelling as above

Note 1: I have lost access to my old email address (a relic from my days at the University of Edinburgh). If you’re trying to reach me and found that address in one of my papers, don’t worry—-I’m still here and reachable!

Note 2: I prefer to correspond in English whenever possible. Emails not written in English might not get the attention they deserve!

My public GPG key to check my e-signature or send me encrypted e-mails.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

The first comprehensive introduction to the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning, an area of machine learning in which multiple decision-making agents learn to optimally interact in a shared environment.

Learn more in the official website:

Physical Copy: MARL MIT Press

Cover of multi-agent reinforcement learning book

GitHub projects

Here are some of my GitHub projects that might interest you:

  • Level-Based Foraging: A Python implementation of the Level-Based Foraging environment, widely used for benchmarking multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms.
  • Multi-Robot Warehouse: A customizable environment for studying coordination and collaboration in multi-agent settings, inspired by real-world warehouse scenarios.
  • EPyMARL: A streamlined library for multi-agent reinforcement learning, offering implementations of popular MARL algorithms with an emphasis on scalability and ease of use.